I'm looking for the best way to construct a web page. I have to create a ResourceManager for HMC 4.0.
First I have to list all my mailstore (Name, Mailstore, Free Space), each mailstore can be edited with a button, and I have a button to each mailstore that permit to list all the organizations.
When I Edit the mailstore, I need to have the name and the Mailstore. After I submit my new info, I have to list the mailstore.
If I click on organization I need to list the organizations on the same page. Each organization can be edited or the user can be listed like the organization.
The users can be edited too.
I think that I can do It with an DataGrid and an arrayList(the date isn't in a DB), I can list my mailstore but after that I can't do nothing. I can't get the mailstore name of the line of the button, I can't list the organizations.
I looked on google since 2days and I don't find anything that can help me to do that.
Thank you for your help
Eventhough you can use one grid to view/edit different datasources, it would be difficult if you want customization(appearance, validation etc). What I would suggest is having 3 grids (each one for mailstore, organization and user). Depending upon the user's choice you show the relevant grid and hide all the others.
I can't get the mailstore name of the line of the button, I can't list the organizations.
I couldn't understand the question. Please provide more info.
Where are you storing the data if not in a DB? I prefer to use Datalists to list anything. I make the name / description a link to view the details and include a LinkButton / HyperLink to Edit... Is this what you're looking for?
I used 3 datagrid, it works now! thanks your help
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