I am very new to ASP. I am trying to make a secure site and I have some general questions.
Does the HttpSessionState object exist in the client's browser oron the IIS server? I assume that it must exist on the server or else itwouldn't really be any different than a cookie. Is this correct?In what order do events occur on the server when an HTTP requestis made. I am assuming that the request is made, the server gets theclients cookies, the server checks the web.config file, then the serverexecutes any necessary scripts and returns a webpage. Is this correct?Is there a nice tutorial about modifying the web.config file? Forexample, a tutorial which teaches people which XML tags do what in it?
Thanks a lot,
P10001.Session is on the server
2. there are a few more steps than that - search on asp.net lifecycle - though .Net isn't a script technolgy - morecorrect to say server creates objects- performs sub and functions - then renders html page
Thanks a lot.
Okay, the lifecycle does give me a lot of information that I am lookingfor, but it doesn't really mention (at least the pages which I readdidn't mention) when web.config is accessed in order to determineauthenication info etc. So I am still missing some important steps inthe lifecycle of a request.
The web.config link was also very helpful but I still don't know when the server uses it.
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